Cougar Alumni Band banner

2024-2025 Alumni Band Board
and Message from Rick Flores

Your new alumni band board:
    President: Brian Thomas
    Vice President: Janie Ludwig McDavid
    Secretary: Tommy Hill
    Treasurer: Brady Hoyem
    Publicity Director: Jenni Malarz
    Librarian: Allyson Butzke
    Auction Chair: Janie Ludwig McDavid
    Music Director: Ashley Swanson
    Members-At-Large: Rick Douglas Flores, Darrell Sanders, Linda Sue Woodall, Charles Keiser, Maddi Zadzora, Savannah Crnick, Emily Ferguson, Michael Chapin, Judy Logen, Lynn Logen

"It has been a privilege serving as President the last few years and I am looking forward to the amazing work this board will do! We have continued to grow our support for the CMB and I am looking forward to seeing how else we can continue supporting the amazing band that we all love! Special thanks to our members that are volunteering their time as board members. It means a lot to so many!"
~ Rick Flores

All donations (and dues) are tax-deductible as the Cougar Alumni Band Association is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.


Help the Cougar Alumni Band's efforts to build our alumni base
and support the Cougar Marching Band.
Dues are now payable online!

Cougar Alumni Band
Specify M/F & polo/jacket size

Dr. Jon Sweet's welcome letter to Cougar Band Alumni

Sign up for Cougar Alumni Band communications

Alumni Band Uniforms Available!


Were you in the Cougar Bands?
Find out the many ways you can Get Involved!

Interested in having the Cougar Alumni Band play at your wedding reception, or social function? Email us to discuss the possibility of us performing!

Got CAB pics? Please send a copy to us to help record our events in the Photo Gallery.

Want to participate but don't have an instrument? Want to practice a few songs before attending an event? We can help! Mention it in the event signup form.

All contents copyright © Cougar Alumni Band 2014. No material may be reproduced electronically or in print without written permission.
The Washington State University logo is a registered trademark of Washington State University.